Make Blogger Sidebar Fixed (Sticky) That Scrolls with Menu!
You can arrange your blogger sidebar in several ways. Here I will show you some way of displaying sidebar as like fixed, sticky, animating. So lets see some example.
1. Let's see, how to make Blogger Sidebar Fixed with only CSS
Follow the instruction below:
- Go to your blogger blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
- Search (CTRL + F) for the following code:
- And just before ]]></b:skin> paste the CSS code below:
Note: .column-right-inner is the right sidebar class. If you want to make Fised a left sidebar then replace it with .column-left-inner
2. Let's see, how to make Sidebar Sticky+Animating with j Query
Follow the instruction below:- Go to your blogger blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
- Search (CTRL + F) for the following code:
- And just before </body> paste the following jQuery code:
Note: .column-right-inner is the right sidebar class. If you want to make sticky a left sidebar then replace all those class with .column-left-inner from the jQuery code.
And topPadding = 15; change the value if you need to increase/decrease space on top of the sidebar.3. Let's see, how to make a Widget Sticky with jQuery
Look at the right sidebar of this page and scroll down, a AdSense ads widget is scrolling with you. Thats what I'm going to showing you the code for.Well Follow the instruction below:
- At first find-out your widget ID (ex. HTML7)
- Go to your blogger blog Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML
- Search (CTRL + F) for the following code:
- And just before </body> paste the following jQuery code:
Note: Replace #HTML7 With Your Widget ID
- Save Template. We're Done!